A downloadable asset pack for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


This is an asset pack created so that people that are learning coding can have a bit of a rest on the art and sfx side of things

The asset pack does not include music, sorry!


You can use the asset pack for your games, commercial or non commercial


- sound effects for selecting, winning and losing

- art


Tic-Tac-Toe asset pack.zip 515 kB


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This is a really nice asset pack but I've come to a few issues while using it:

• The bottom of the screens has some inconsistent pixels, if you transition between the menu and game, you will notice a few pixels change in the bottom dark area of the screen.

• The Win dialog hardcodes "X Won" instead of giving us an option to write "O won" I had to take the dialog and erase the X and use the X/O from "X Turn"/"O Turn" to fill that part so it shows the correct winner. 

• It also does not account for a draw, when there are no winners. Again I had to edit the win dialog and attempt my best to write "Draw" copying the font as accurately as I could.

It'd be best if we can get a blank dialog and the titles "X Won"/"O Won"/"Draw" be another sprite we can cut and put on top of the dialog. And as a bonus you can remove the play dialog since it's essentially the same dialog with a different title and that title can be among the sprites we can cut and put on top of that one dialog.

I also don't understand what are those rainbow pixels in there for, does that fit anywhere in the UI that I missed out?

Aside from those issues, I loved this pack and working with it was fun so thank you for making these and it helped me release my first ever game https://ravenerr.itch.io/tic-tac-toe

Great asset pack. I’m teaching other programmers using this package. Cannot thank you enough, my friend.

Quick question, would you help me find the font used for the text? I need to make a couple of mods and cannot find the correct font so I can import it to Unity.


Uh i made the font myself so you can check it out in my itch. Sorry for the very late response but i am glad i helped!